Want to be a Security Guard in Vancouver?

Some people are just born to defend others. We’ve all known people who just seem hard-wired to protect the people around them. They include members of the military, firefighters, police officers, and – yes – security guards. These professionals work tirelessly to protect people, property, and other assets from any number of known and unidentified risks.

Many individuals and companies have come to rely on security guards, for their deterrent impact on crime and their ability to immediately respond to incidents. If you have been considering a career as a security guard in the Lower Mainland, then it’s important to understand everything that you need to do to make that dream a reality.

British Columbia’s Security Guard Requirements

There are requirements that every security guard must meet to receive an official security guard license and obtain employment. For instance, if you want to be an unarmed security guard, then you will need to:

Be a citizen of Canada or a lawful resident, and at least 19 years of age
Pass a background check, with no felony convictions
Allow yourself to be fingerprinted
Receive certification by completing the pre-assignment training program from an approved instructor
Pass the Basic Security Training or Advance Security Training Exam
Apply for your Security Guard License

Where Can You Get the Training You Need?

Because of the demands and expectations placed upon security guards in Vancouver, the training requirements can only be met by competing courses that have been officially approved. Those approved courses are operated by qualified instructors who provide students with essential information on everything from the duties and responsibilities of the job to important concerns about ethics and standards for the profession.

Contact BestWORLD Security Services to Get Started on Your Career Path

There are few occupations more rewarding than those that involve keeping others safe. And make no mistake: that’s what security guards do every day around Vancouver Area. They protect VIPs and others. They safeguard property, including hotels, places of worship, schools, and companies.

They guard events and deter crime. At Best WORLD Security Services, Inc., we are proud to be the Best security guard company and are always here to ensure that you get the instruction you need to further your career as a licensed security guard. Give us a call today to learn more about how we can help you meet your career goals.